Why a Second Blog? (Blog 1)

Blogging about the Shackford side of my ancestry started as a research effort to solve some major research barriers pertaining to my direct family line of Shackford.  Writing about the Shackford family history helped me learn more about genealogy research, documentation, and sourcing. These are  probably topics that only interest genealogy researchers but are very important as they ensure that the research being shared is correct.

Last year I believe I broke through a barrier on my Shackford family line and connected my Shackford line to the immigrant ancestor, William who immigrated to America about 1660.  This year I attended my first genealogy conference at the San Diego Genealogy Society. The classes were taught by Thomas MacEntee who I’ve been following for a while.  His Genealogy Do-Over guidance on Facebook and in this class has intrigued me and will be some of the guidance that I’ll follow as I research and share both sides of my family line, the Greene’s and the Shackford’s. I’ll continue to research and write about Shackford’s but with more of a focus on my own family line.

In January 2017 I received my DNA test results which gave me further incentive to look closer at both sides of my family history.


When I use Ancestry to look other trees related to my DNA results, they show a lot of connections with my Greene family.  While the family tree has already been investigated, it’s time to spend time researching the important family stories regarding this side of my family.  Maybe further research will give a hint of where that Scandinavia & Iberian Peninsula influence comes from —

So on this Blog we’ll start sharing our research one ancestor at a time numbering them and sharing the research we discover on this adventure.

Oh – and some blogs will be on both WEB sites — as we’ll share the Shackford lines on the ShackfordFamilyHistory web site.